I have twenty days left of my self-imposed “end of February” deadline for writing all of the puzzles for my Christian Point & Click adventure game. As a bit of an experiment, and to help me take that deadline seriously, I thought I’d aim to write a short blog post each day to report on my progress. This might be a bit tricky, since I don’t want to give away too many details, but let’s give it a try!

My game, with the working title “Ebenezer“, is a game in three acts. I’m very happy that one of my favourite characters from a recently cut fourth act, Merv the Politically Motivated Shepherd, has made a triumphant return, so yesterday was spent trying to think of a way to help him recover from the results of his poor decision making. I’d painted myself into a bit of a corner in the kind of solution I was looking for, but my ever-imaginative friend Dav was able to give me a fresh perspective on the issue. Hopefully that means I can now make some progress!

For more details on the thinking behind my computer game, read my Expository Coding series.


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